
The safety, health and well-being are our number one priority for our students, staff, their families at True Servant Preschool Academy. We have been following and adhering to the guidance and recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We have developed a detailed action plan that consist of added precautionary measures that will be taken in our location

Students and Staff

We have hand sanitizing stations throughout our building and classrooms. We also have sinks inside of each classroom and sink stations outside of the building. Each classroom has an assigned bathroom in the building in which only that classroom will be able to use that restroom. We have a designated sick room for students and staff members who exemplify symptoms of Covid or under the weather. Each student will have a shield that will be provided to them for extra protection. Throughout the building their will be signage to remind everyone about health and hygiene protocols such as washing hands and social distancing. There will be very minimal contact with our very structured classroom schedules. 

Employee Protocols

All of our staff have received a thorough training on protocols in identifying any flu or virus like symptoms. Staff will continue to receive training on CDC standards of best practices and sanitation guidelines. In addition to training, employees will be subject to weekly testing, daily temperature readings, and be required to wear appropriate personal protective equipment. 

Cleaning Protocols and Sanitation

We are using all cleaning products that meets Environmental Protection Agency guidelines and are proven to be effective against viruses’ bacteria. We have increased the frequency of deep cleaning and disinfecting all common area, public spaces and classrooms with an emphasis on high trafficked areas. All equipment will be cleaned throughout the day and before opening and after closing. We also will have a deep sanitization done by an outside vendor of the entire building on a monthly basis. We have also UV sterilization lamps that will be used on a daily basis in addition to our daily cleaning practices. 

Physical Distancing

Each classroom with be modified to a hybrid class ratio which will limit the number of students in the classroom to abide by the social distancing guidelines. Our new structure classrooms schedules will limit interaction between classrooms to an extreme low. Staff and students are instructed to practice social distancing by standing six feet away from other group who are not in their class.

Building Updates

There will be no visitors admitted into the building outside of True Servant Preschool Academy Staff and Early Childhood Office employees. We have identified one entry only entrance and one exit entry. We have air purifiers in each classroom that will be constantly cleaning the air of bacteria. We have sinks and temperature scanners to be placed outside for student drop off. We have tabletop desk dividers in each classroom to support the allot number of students daily. Spacing markers have been placed on the floors to enable social and physical distancing. Signage installed and staff monitoring areas to enforce social distancing practices..

We are committed to doing everything possible to ensure the safety of everyone. We will continue to update our protocols and procedures as we gather more information. 

Kind regard,

True Servant Preschool Academy 

Contact Us

2630 South Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08610